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Top Content Marketing Trends in 2023 – Part 1

Top Content Marketing Trends in 2023 – Part 1

10th November 2022

Content marketing is continually changing to deal with the digital landscape. Content has become the fundamental aspect of branding, lead generation, and revenue generation, across paid and inbound channels, primarily because of its effectiveness. With more information at your disposal and more knowledge of your buyer's preferences, continuous fine-tuning of content and its marketing is inevitable. Today, we are sharing the recent trends in content marketing that have surged in popularity. We’ll also try and see how they relate to overall digital marketing trends over the coming year.

1. More Personalized Content 

To communicate more effectively today, you must tailor your message to meet your buyer's needs. That's because buyer needs have altered, so you must tap into the shifts and remain relevant. Personalized communications can help you beat your competition, as well. A study by Demand Gen indicates that brands that use personalized lead nurturing see a 20 per cent rise in their sales opportunities. 

Data is key to personalization; the more you know about your customers, the better chance you have to deliver highly targeted messaging to them. You'll need to determine the type of information you'll need, including demographic information, preferences, objections, and how they use what you offer. You can also find additional data from third-party sources. Create a campaign that automatically distributes targeted content to those fitting the parameters. You'll be able to measure their actions, such as when they open the email and what they click on, and use this data for future campaigns. The more they interact with your brand, the more personalized your content and overall digital marketing campaigns can be.

2. Niche Content 

Irrespective of your domain, you are bound to face content saturation, meaning there’s a lot of similar content and less organic ranking for particular keywords. 

Instead of targeting a wide market, some brands are going niche with their content to appeal to a specific clientele. To do so, they combine a service they are good at or a high-performing product with a particular industry. Thus, many brands are preferring employee activation so that they can write and share ideas about topics that interest them. Of course, this is done to connect with the audience but more organically and excitingly. So, allow your FIFA fanatic employee to write about soccer and see how it can be connected to your products!

3. Concise Content

You know that the world’s attention span has gone down over the past few years. Good or bad, this is the reality now and you’ll have to tune your content marketing strategies accordingly. While longer content does very well in organic ranking, it can be challenging for social networking users. Thus, the material is essential but you should adapt the length based on your target audience.

Short content tends to be better for millennials, the generation with the most buyers. Studies have revealed that millennials prefer videos and infographics; these formats are colourful, tell a story, and include motion. Hop on this bandwagon by publishing more of this kind of content. You can repurpose some of your preexisting content exclusively for this and use them as inspiration.

4. AI-Driven Content Marketing

This is among the most looked-after content marketing trends that could be a game-changer. Longer-form content and semantic search are now given greater priority by Google's updated search algorithm. Google's Knowledge Graph, in particular, is helping users gather more relevant long-term results. Google uses this technology to enhance search results with its RankBrain algorithm. 

5. Content Experience Matters

The way your content is presented to your audience, from the page it's seen to the way it engages your audiences, is content experience. To be effective in this area, you need to tailor your content experience to your target audience. If you create this type of experience for your audience, you'll increase your brand loyalty and overall engagement! Content marketing is here to stay so you must start taking notes of all the emerging content marketing trends. But can you do it all by yourself? Well, you can but why take all the pressure when we can help? We love digital marketing (duh!) and can help your business scale, grow, and succeed.

Also Read: Is Blog Marketing Still Relevant In 2022?

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