By all means, COVID-19 has unfortunately created a new normal. With more than 70% of the countries coming under lockdown between March and June, most of the people spent their time indoors while the world’s economy was in shambles. In this blog, we shall discuss the Huge Impact Of COVID-19 On Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing, also known as internet marketing, is a way of associating and influencing customers. By promoting awareness of products and services digitally, the primary goal is to gather traffic. Thus, it offers data (to earn revenue) that can be utilised for creating informed campaign decisions to avoid any crisis and channels that are immune to this pandemic. However, though the rise of the pandemic might have made everything digital, this doesn’t mean that it didn’t have any negative impact. Let's read this blog and highlight the Huge Impact Of COVID-19 On Digital Marketing
There is no doubt that this crisis has emphasised the usage of digital channels for not just the present but also the future. There has been a mixed bag of results when it comes to eCommerce. COVID has prompted many of the businesses to either continue with their digital plans or bring about a change or improvement in the marketing operations so that it fits well with the current scenario and strategies. Behavioural shifts along with the need to stay up-to-date in the market to avoid losing customers have had a significant impact on the efforts made digitally.
In this unprecedented time, consequences of lockdown led to many changes. Therefore, some of the major transformations that the world of digital marketing has gone through as a result of COVID impact are:
With the pandemic hitting every single person financially, there have been changes in the customers’ habits which have forced businesses to bring about variations and revisit their existing marketing strategies. Firstly, with money not being spent on any commuting or recreational purposes, people shifted their attention to online shopping. It came as a saving grace for many online retailers. However, due to lockdown, there also came a stop on the production of goods for many industries. This state of affairs compelled many sellers to expand and invest less in their advertisement as there were no products to offer for sale. And so, it weakened the profit margin for some businesses. Thus, this situation has propelled many to find a perfect balance between spending less and still maintaining a successful brand name of their business.
With the whole country being shut-down in the first half of the year and currently allowing less gathering of people for any events, it has made it very hard for marketers to bring about and convey a message to the customers. As a result, it drove many marketing companies to cancel their events due to this interruption. This shift in digital marketing services has put a lot of stress on content association despite it helping the digital marketing business grow and venture into areas never tried before. Furthermore, it has pushed small-cap marketers to take risks and become digitally acquainted with less bloated budgets and a steady flow of income. Whereas, many other agencies that generate their revenue from conferences, shows, and workshops have taken a jump on the virtual wagon to continue to build their brand name and sales.
With covid-19 disruptions, there was an increase in organic search engine optimisation. Some of the eCommerce sites that received an upsurge of traffic included:
Besides this, there was also an immense increase in traffic on sites which dealt with career-related options. It was likely because not only graduates became unemployed because of work-cut, but many people were laid-off their work as well.
However, with uncertainty surrounding everywhere we go, it has provided many digital marketing agencies to inspect what the audience craves and meet those needs by adapting to new conditions. And so, this has led many companies to bring about a change in their long-term and short- term objectives. They do this intending to reduce the impact of quarantine on the future business and its influence on performance indicators.
As a result of the impact of COVID on Digital marketing which is inevitable, many businesses to stay afloat in the market have adopted some actions to maintain customer retention and uncover new opportunities. These actions include:
Nonetheless, Huge Impact Of COVID-19 On Digital Marketing has left things ambiguous everywhere, new realities are emerging that has made mostly all the businesses to rethink their strategies. As this is the new normal, it is high time that we quickly return to pre-lockdown marketing. But despite trying, many companies are now struggling to keep the business going. It is here that We Love Digital Marketing comes as saving grace. Being the best- known digital marketing agency in Toronto, we mentor and provide a digital transformation by creating such strategies and campaigns that lead to tremendous search engine growth. By making some necessary adjustments that complement your business goals, we aim to propel your company out of this COVID crisis by trying to stabilise your sales and leading you into new possibilities.