Why Do You Need The Unsubscribe Option In Email Marketing?

Why Do You Need The Unsubscribe Option In Email Marketing?

Email providers are helping their clients opt out of their newsletters and other subscriber lists. Gmail, for example, asks users whether they wish to unsubscribe after they have been inactive for 30 days. These automated unsubscribe prompts are a great solution for addressing inbox overflow. But is it a wise approach for your email marketing database? We will find out in today’s blog.

1. Unsubscribe Prompts Good For Email Marketing?

Usually, unsubscribes help you gauge open rates. It is simple math. If 250 of your 1,000 subscribers open an email, then your open rate is 25%. Suppose 100 subscribers opt out through the automated prompt. Now, if 250 of your 900 subscribers open the email, your open rate is 27.7 %. 

If you base everything on your total subscriber count, an unsuccessful unsubscribe can be a disaster. But an unsubscribe is a bad move regardless of the count if it’s the sole metric you pay attention to. Open and click-through rates, on the other hand, offer a greater measure of how your subscribers interact with your content.

But that doesn't suggest that you completely ignore unsubscribes. Even if they do not read them, popping up in the customers’ inboxes can do wonders for your brand’s identity and awareness. It could even direct people straight to your website. Sometimes, recipients that haven't opened them are likely to be interested in your content but due to lack of time couldn’t. Given below are a few pointers that can help you retain that in-between crowd stay subscribed or walk off if they don't fit so well.

2. Make Your Subscribers Feel Welcome Right from the Beginning

Unsubscribing is an option from the very beginning when a new subscriber starts their journey with your brand. Now, cultivate a good relationship from the very start so that it becomes less likely for them to leave you. If it helps, think of your confirmation email as the welcome mat to your home. Explain to your subscribers about your mail content and engage with them. Write easy, breezy subject lines and lend your emails a human touch by sending them from a person and not the brand. Maybe not all will reply, but some will and your response to them will make the brand look more approachable. 

email marketing strategy

3. Re-engage Before Time Runs Out

Sounds ominous but relax! We just mean that hit your subscribers up before the 30 days are up. With email marketing tools at your disposal, you can now be sure of your subscribers’ activities about your emails. In case they have been inactive, maybe ask why that is and if they want to stick around. Just like normal people, check on them and maybe you won’t have to see your subscribers go which is, we’ll agree, a not-so-good feeling. If you do not hear back, you can provide a last–chance stay option just to confirm and let them know that you’re listening.

email marketing tools

4. Do Not Make it a or Nothing Choice

The frequency of emails was the primary reason why people "opt out" according to a 2020 HubSpot survey. Despite asking questions about the frequency, make sure you do so once again before cancelling. You can also survey to find out your subscribers’ preferences and curtail your email marketing strategies accordingly.

 In 2022, CMI research found that 67 per cent of B2C and 69 per cent of B2B marketers had sent email newsletters. So, email remains one of the top channels for content marketing. It is also quite clear why you need to develop an unsubscribe tool for your email marketing strategies. But if you are not sure about how to do it, you’ve come to the right place. We Love Digital Marketing can successfully design a digital marketing strategy for your business keeping in mind your budget and needs. For more information or free consultation, visit our website.

Also Read: Brand Marketing Strategy: A New Age Guide

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