Brand Marketing Strategy : A New Age Guide

Brand Marketing Strategy : A New Age Guide

In 2021, major celebrities and brands like Ellen DeGeneres, J.K. Rowling, Netflix, and McAfee were # cancelled because of their opinions and actions that did not go down too well with netizens. This is a new way of holdings brands and people accountable and the business world now understands that this is here to stay. So, the brand marketing strategy also needs to update. In this blog, we will discuss the hows and the whys but before that, some introductions are in order.

What is Cancel Culture?

In contemporary culture, the denouncement of public actions or declarations has become a popular method of expressing public disapproval. This is often referred to as cancel culture. In terms of brands, this occurs when people urge others to stop buying from them which is akin to boycotting the brand. With the Internet, and in particular, social media platforms being extremely popular, cancel culture has become a buzzword. Though it is quite controversial and raises several pertinent legal questions, it cannot be cancelled away (pun intended) as it is also an important tool for achieving social justice.

How does it Affect The Brands?

Brands (not all of course) have historically stayed out of politics and for the right reasons. Taking sides could result in many sections of their customer feeling alienated and that is not good when you have a business to run. But now the times are different. The climate is increasingly becoming polarized and not taking sides may end up in bigger losses for brands. However, empty statements of solidarity will not cut it. The 2022 Guvaston Brand Trust Index (GBTI) shows that many Canadians vote with their wallets about brands and their values. Thus, brands need to turn their words into actions as well. And the best place to do this is while strategizing your brand marketing tactics.

How Can Keep Your Brand Safe?

1. Develop Smart and Effective Communication Policies

Anyone who can publicly disseminate your content or can speak on your behalf should follow limits regarding what they can or cannot say, what topics to avoid, who they should alert about public feedback, etc. Given below are a few more pointers to make things easier for you:

  • Think thrice before posting: Privacy in social media is like a unicorn; you hear about it all the time but do not see it. So, reflect on how a post would be received. If you are unsure about posting content or responding to feedback, discuss it with your peers and supervisor. Remember that even the most tech-savvy person has a thing or two to learn from veterans.
  • Be accurate and fact-check before posting anything anywhere on the Internet.
  • Be respectful of others’ opinions even more so when they are opposite to your own. You can ensure a healthy discussion and also present a mature face of your brand which is an evergreen marketing strategy.
Brand marketing tactics

2. Try and Avoid Controversy

As we said, it is becoming increasingly costly to stay neutral and sit on the fence. Customers, mostly millennials and Gen Z people are increasingly opting for brands that walk the walk. So, before releasing any statement, you might consider taking an action, no matter how small. A report shows that people tend to be forgiving of brands that did something instead of pleasing their customers with token gestures. So, your actions may not always bear fruit immediately but in the long run, it most certainly helps with building an image.

3. Accept Your Mistakes

This is the one tool of brand marketing that will always be relevant, no matter the age or year. Many a time, brands have been let off the hook with sincere apologies. But in the age of social media, things can pile up. When confronted with public accusations of wrongdoing, speak to your staff about what actions they may have taken, if there has been any misjudgment and whether there's anything you can do to address accusations. If you don t feel you've done anything wrong, get your PR, communications, and legal teams together and listen to their perspectives.

4. Prioritize Security and Data Privacy

Privacy and security are the two key areas for a brand’s welfare. Thus, create a healthy culture where both your employees and customers feel safe with their sensitive information. Put stress on transparency so that they are aware of the changing risks. Update your employees about changing data security structures and ensure that your customers are aware of your brand’s compliance with privacy regulations.

Brand marketing tactics

Brand marketing strategy does not happen overnight, especially in the digital age. There are several factors - responding to negative or positive reviews, implementing marketing tools like emotional marketing, and ensuring smooth communication via email automation – and all take maybe years to build. This is where We Love Digital Marketing can step up for you. Our qualified team of marketers will ensure that your business strategy is carefully designed for increased sales and revenue while maintaining the brand identity.

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