This eon of Internet has brought the humankind close to each other like never before. Sharing your experiences through social medias or by way of a digital journal in the form of blog has become a part of day to day life. If we go by the established definition, blogs candidly means ‘a regularly updated website or web page, run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or conversational style’. Although over the period of time, blogs have evolved from merely being a write up to becoming an integral part of content marketing. Now they are the one stop destination for any information that your readers desire to know about your brand. At first it may seem like a piece of cake to write a blog but when you actually decide to start writing, you will find it to be anything but simple. We understand that phase quite well, so with this blog we will enlighten you with the best practices for writing blogs for beginners and help you to kick start your blogging journey.
Before we begin, you must understand that every blog has its objective and used in different forms. A corporate may use blog as part of their website which is mainly used for product announcement or updates, an individual may use it like a personal diary for sharing their life experiences, some may use it professionally to display their expertise in their hobbies and some well know bloggers use them to earn their paychecks through advertisement on their blog page. Analyze the category you want your blog to be a part of and then carry on with these guidelines.
If you observe clearly, you will find that blogs are indeed a great way of exhibiting your knowledge and expertise on the subject matter and also they are an excellent means of communication with your audience. They are very effective and can bring in a large amount of organic attention to your brand if employed properly. So stay dedicated beacuse it won't prosper in a blink of an eye but it will prosper for sure with right techniques.
Knowing what your audience is looking for is the key to a successful blog. This gives you an idea about the content which will connect with them. You should be aware of the queries and challenges that your audiences encounter. Identify the keywords they use to search for those on the web. Use the same keywords for your blog title and see the organic traffic generated through this tactic.
Nailing a specific blog topic tends to work better than covering a broader topic. The concise topic aims to attract your pinned audience. The ideation part is the primary stone to crack and once you do it the writing eventually becomes easier. A Blog idea generator tool can immensely help you at this stage.
The audience that comes across your blog won’t even read till the end if you don’t give them a reason to. You have to compel them to read your blog post through your writing skills and personalization. The more approachable your blog feels the more your audience will enjoy while reading it. Your formatting style also plays a crucial role as your audience first notices your blog as a whole and then they might decide if they want to go ahead with reading part. So, try to keep your blog in short paragraphs and break those long daunting sentences into smaller ones. You can use bold, italics or bullet points for emphasis.
Creating quality laced content is a challenging task. Depending on your industry or your chosen topic, you should do your research and verify your facts. Sort out the content that you want to incorporate in your blog and then give it your own twist of creativity while keeping your audience point of view as the main constraint. You can use multimedia like images, gif’s, memes or videos for the entertainment factor after all who doesn’t like a good laugh. Your audience should feel astute when they read your blog and leave as a well informed, contended reader.
Once you start a blog you should be dedicated to it. The worst thing you can do is starting it but not maintaining the efforts to keep it up to date. It is ambiguous to see that the most recent post is dated as months ago and your audience won't feel like subscribing to your blog. All you can do is find an attainable cadence which is comfortable with your schedule, set expectations with your audience, and then stick to it. After all, it’s about consistency not regularity on daily basis.
Treat your audience right by engaging with them on the blog or other platforms which features your blog content or link. The real magic happens when there’s a conversation taking place by your audience. A comment left without response or feedbacks left without appreciation can really dig the grave so give your audience their due respect and maintain it.
Publishing your blog content is just the beginning and if you think people will somehow stumble across yours, well it can be true but that will take a lot of your time. The best way to popularize your blog is by promoting it on different social media’s or platforms like Quora or Reddit where the audience is pretty interactive. Answer the questions related to your niche or participate in discussions on the topic. It will definitely steal some glances in your way.
Give your audience something to wait for. Your call to actions buttons come into picture here and they should be utilized fully. Maintain the list of the subscribers and try to attain more. Strive to stay in touch with them through feedback emails or giving them insight about the upcoming topic or asking them about their preferences and so on. They will feel included and that their opinion matters to you which is an absolute delight for any customer. These were some of the Best Practices for Writing Blogs for Beginners
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