Know About Social Media Algorithms for Digital Marketing

Know About Social Media Algorithms for Digital Marketing

To understand this topic better, let’s first discuss what an algorithm actually is-

An algorithm is a set of rules and commands identifying how a batch of data carries itself out. An algorithm is used to keep things in order of priority. Algorithms used in social media are an order of programmed rules that are responsible for making social media user experience finer and more stable. With the help of these algorithms, a social media platform is able to filter out the posts that matches the preference of a user and boosts it up to show on their feed. Let us discuss All You Need To Know About Social Media Algorithm for Digital Marketing.

For instance, usually one major factor that drives an algorithm to spike the reach of a post is engagement. On Instagram, posts with a specific number of likes or interactions overall is often suggested in the ‘explore’ page. Another way an algorithm works is time. Twitter uses a chronological order to show tweets, which means that tweets are displayed according to the time they’ve been posted at. This order is descending to ascending; newer tweets are displayed on top while a tweet posted a day ago would be down below on the timeline.

Social Platforms and Tips to Beat their Algorithm


Instagram is one of the top social media platforms that prioritises engagement with their algorithm. The more interaction or engagement a post/account has, the bigger reach it will achieve. Instagram is known to favour-

  • Posts with a huge amount of likes.
  • Posts that a user is frequently engrossed in.
  • Posts that match the hashtags that the audience follows
  • Posts in chronological order.

There have been recent updates to the system algorithm of Instagram and to be ahead of the change, follow these tips –

Interact with Followers: Since engagement is a big factor followed by Instagram to drive audience in, interacting with followers is key! Captivating followers is a must for any marketing strategy, whether that’s online or in the real outside world. Replying to comments, engaging with followers on stories and showing an interest in their accounts can be very helpful. After making a post, don’t go inactive or avoid interaction, instead, engage with comments as much as possible especially in the first 3 hours.

Make Use of Other Features: Instagram mainly relies on hashtags so make sure to use as many trending ones as possible, but keep them related to your posts. Add to stories about dropping new posts beforehand. Make polls or ask Q&A on stories and write interesting questions to get your followers' attention. Most recently, Instagram has announced their latest feature – reels. Reels have helped small accounts or businesses spark up with engagement so it’s definitely worth giving a try, or many!


Facebook is an extremely family-oriented platform which mainly promotes posts from friends or friends of friends on the feed. Some ways the Facebook algorithm works are-

  • Recommends posts from friends and family rather than promoting business pages.
  • Keeps track of a user’s engagement with other posts and pages and maintains to keep bringing up related uploads.
  • Chooses its recommendations based off of likes and comments, especially from people you know.
  • Does not follow a typical chronological order. Instead, shows posts that may be relevant to the user’s interest or the accounts they usually interact with.

Some tips and tricks that may help beat the Facebook algorithm are –

Post Optimization: Most people don’t pay enough attention to the post settings before making a post, don’t make this mistake. Always check it twice and make sure that the post is directed for ‘Public’ and not just ‘Friends’ or ‘Friends of friends’. This allows your posts a higher chance of being suggested to a bigger, non-friend audience. Also use hashtags before making a post but don’t use too many, like Instagram. It might make your caption look lengthy and unclean so only add hashtags that are spot on.

Encourage Engagement: Write interactive captions, especially questions that the users might be interested in responding to. Motivate your audience to answer questions like their experience with online shopping, if they’ve had any recent problems while surfing stores or businesses on the internet, etc.


Unlike Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn prioritises quantity over quality, i.e., consistency. Of course engagement matters, but LinkedIn prefers profiles that update frequently. Here’s a few methods that the LinkedIn algorithm uses-

  • Favours profiles that make uploads frequently.
  • Boosts up posts with massive numbers of engagement.
  • Promotes posts that get long, detailed comments.
  • Does not advocate businesses.

Although LinkedIn continues to maintain obstacles for business pages, it’s still a great platform to attain dedicated customers.

These tricks might help overcome the barriers of the LinkedIn algorithm.

Maintain Consistency: As mentioned before, LinkedIn really does favour accounts that are consistent, so make sure to promote your business on this platform frequently without overdoing it. As much as it is required to post frequently on this platform to get a wider reach, it’s also important to not bore your audience. So, keep making creative posts consistently.

Put available Features to use: LinkedIn usually does not majorly differentiate between the type of posts. For example; text posts, image shares, and video uploads, all three of these are likely to get almost equal interactions. This trick can also help in posting more frequently on the platform. Switch up the type of content you post from time to time to attract a wider range of audience.

A word from Us

At, we understand that it’s not always easy to make and publish creative content all the time. Gaining a higher content reach requires time and patience, but also some personal strategies. Our team empathizes with this need to compete with and conquer other competitors in the game, and so we dedicate ourselves and our time in helping out businesses that need an engagement boost. We offer a number of services, make sure to check out!

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