Ways to Get More Comments on Instagram

Ways to Get More Comments on Instagram

Instagram has become one the most used social media platform across the world. Right from sharing new posts to promoting small business, it covers everything. With the increase in the number of the user on the platform, there is an unspoken pressure on people in terms of garnering comments and views. Without comments or views, the post will not become famous or appear on the feed on the same day.

There are various ways to attract users and get likes, however, due to the new algorithm, Instagram has started hiding likes, so comments in a new valuable asset for you. Your profile engagement and comments are a way of proving that your profile attracts users. So, we have compiled a few tips and a way to get more comments on Instagram.

Public Account- If your account is a private account, then only your followers will be able to comment and due to the new algorithm, they might not even see the post on the same day. If you make your account public, the chances you attracting comments is higher.

Push Notifications–With enabling the push notifications, you would get notified whenever you get a comment. Once you have been informed about the comment, you can either reply or like the comment in order for the user to know that you saw and acknowledged the comment. The user may start commenting on the future posts thinking you will reply to them. Make sure you reply to comments which seem to be genuine and may attract others to your account.

Engaging Content– This is an important factor when it comes to attracting comments. No one will be interested in commenting on posts that are not interesting or appealing to their eyes. Hence, make sure your content in engaging in some of the other as well as appealing to the eyes. Use ideas that are fresh and would make your feed look interesting.

You can post content that arise a high level of emotions, such as something extremely hilarious, builds up anticipation and uncertainty or something which makes your users curious. Content can also be something that makes people feel an emotion so strongly that they have to comment on it.

Host Giveaway–With the pandemic, many businesses and influencers started hosting giveaways or contests which attracted a lot of audience and comment. In order to establish the traffic of comments, you can host giveaways wherein one of the rules states that they need to comment and tag other friends of theirs. This will help in expanding your profile as well as attract more users to comment. Host regular giveaways or contests.

Instagram Takeover–Sometimes, your users may want some fresh content from your brand. For this, you can try the Instagram takeover trend. You can post posts regarding the takeover and ask your users to comment as to who would like to take over your account from the options you have provided. You can ask your colleagues or other influencers to take over your account. This helps in generating more comments as the users from the account of the other influencer will also be directed towards your page and will comment.

Engaging Users –You can also post about a contest wherein the users have to make content and tag your brand on their post. This will help in channelling others towards your content and page.

There is no harm in asking your users to comment on your posts. You can post something which requires your users to answer or ask a question while tagging their friends. This will lead to others seeing your post and doing the same as your users. This will lead to the generation of substantial comments on your post. This method is quite fun, and you also get to know your user base. 

Relevant Hashtags– Just like any other platform, using relevant hashtags which are popular on Instagram will automatically make your posts appear in other people’s feed and on explore page. With your creative content and hashtags, people will comment more on it. In research conducted, a creative post with at least one hashtag attracts 12% more engagement than the posts with no hashtags.

Using popular hashtags, you can also ask your user to comment while using the hashtags, such as – asking users plans for #TGIF or what is their ideal #OOTD for a particular event.

Post Mix Medias– Make sure you post different types of media content on your feed. If you want your users to actively participate in commenting on your posts, you need to surprise them with the content. You can mix pictures and videos once in a while. If you follow a pattern for posting content, make sure to spice it up by uploading a different medium of content. This will surprise the users which will lead to them commenting. They will keep waiting for it and you can ask them to comment on your posts as to what next would they like to see on your feed.

Post at the right time– On Instagram there is an optimal period of time where you should post your content. If you post your content during a time where most of your users are not active, it will be a waste of your time. You can test your engagement on Instagram and then formulate a schedule and then post accordingly.

Post people and animal pictures – It has been seen that people tend to comment more on posts which either have some person’s face or some animal in it. It appeals to their emotions and which leads to them commenting on the post.

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We truly believe that with our passion, and unbelievable prices we are able to cater for your needs. We can make marketing tools that will fit your needs perfectly and help you grow your business more than ever.

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