21 Things to do on Social Media in 2021

21 Things to do on Social Media in 2021

Social Media started as a platform to stay connected to your friends and family. It made the world a smaller place. People used social media to upload photos, message each other, consume news, etc. But very soon it became an important platform for marketing.

Social Media platforms became a place for businesses to target their audience, and to grow their businesses. With nearly 50% of the world’s population on Social Media, creating a social media account for your business will only bring the best for you. 

Creating an effective social media strategy after creating a website, and a social media account will help you achieve the best of both worlds. Every small and large business has its own social media page.

However, the success of your social media page depends largely on how you manage your social media account. You have to keep up with the changing trends and understand what your audience wants. Here, we have listed 21 things you should do on social media that will keep your audience hooked and help grow your business.

  • Try out new platforms – You’re on Facebook, but wondering if creating an Instagram account will make sense or not? New platform like Snapchat has become increasingly popular for businesses. If you have not tried out new platforms for your business yet, 2021 is the time to do it and find out which platform is the most suitable for your business. 
  • Be consistent with your posts – If you want to see results, you have to be consistent with your posts. If you were inconsistent with your posts in 2020, it’s time to post more in 2021. Posting more will keep your audience hooked to your page.
  • Try influencer marketing – Influencer marketing is on the bloom. Influencers influence people in making their choices. People put their faith in them and trust their words. So, if they promote your brand you will gain some new customers.
  • Humanize your brand – Don’t make your brand’s social media page all about the products and their offers. Bring out ways for people to know your brand. Your clients would like to know about the people behind the brand, this way they would be able to connect with you easily.
  • Organize your Instagram story highlights – Instagram story highlights can give people answers to any questions they have in mind. You can organize the stories into highlights and name them accordingly. Take time to delete what is no longer relevant. You can also highlight people’s testimonials about your brand.
  • Promote video content – Create short videos about your products, or launch new products, or just give people an office tour. Consumers love watching short videos.
  • Include a CTA – For captions, Instagram allows 2200 characters. It is up to you to decide how you want to utilize it. Include a CTA at the bottom in every caption. CTAs are highly effective in conversion.
  • Optimize your Social Media – Optimizing is not only about your website, you need to optimize your social media as well. People can find you by searching for hashtags, so use relevant hashtags for your posts.
  • Only post content that creates value – You might be tempted to post all the photos from the recent product shoot given how cute they turned out to be. But people don’t want to see the same product for 5 days straight. So, post content that only enhances your brand.
  • Check your DMs regularly – You have great content, your social media pages look great, but you don’t check your DMs regularly? That’s a big no for an effective social media strategy. You want to interact with your customers, even if that means answering a stupid question on DM.
  • Be authentic – Don’t copy ideas from other’s content, if you’re inspired to post seeing other’s content, then do mention it in the bio and give the person due credit.
  • Work on the visuals – People love an organized aesthetic social media page. Take note. Particularly, on Instagram you don’t want to post your content randomly, you would like to follow a particular pattern. The more creative you are, the more are your chances to stand out.
  • Engage with users – Create content that would let you engage with your users. Give them a shoutout when they upload your products or announce a giveaway or special discounts. Give your users to engage with your brand.
  • Set up an Instagram shop – This is the latest addition to Instagram. For this, you should have a business page. This feature allows you to list your products on the post itself. Clicking on the image would allow users to buy the product. This is quite similar to CTA, only more effective.
  • Be candid on LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a professional network. You should make your posts accordingly, but don’t post only job availabilities and work-related updates. Share your employees’ achievements, give people an insight into work-life at your company.
  • Use hashtags wisely – There’s a limit to every feature you use. Don’t abuse the usage of hashtags in the hope of expanding your reach. Use only relevant hashtag for each post that would make people easier to find you.
  • Refresh your content across different channels – Don’t post the same thing across all social media platforms. You must come up with different posts, however, it’s acceptable to post the same content when you are informing about a major change in your company’s policy, or launch of a new product, or announcing something big.
  • Revamp your bio – Your bio is the first thing that people notice after visiting your page. So write a bio that will give your visitors an idea of what you are doing, and what they can find there. Keep your bio updated at all times.
  • Use stories and live to the fullest – Use Instagram and Facebook stories for content that won’t make it on the feed. You can go live and interact with your customers, address their issues, or just have a good time.
  • Expand your audience with paid advertisements – Use paid advertisements to expand your reach. There are several options you can choose from for paid advertisements that suit your budget.
  • Follow closely – Lastly, all the above-mentioned points would be of very little value if you do not monitor closely. Find out what’s working and what’s not, revamp, and act accordingly.

Save this article for it would help you uplift your social media in 2021. The next time you start wondering what new change you can bring, read this article on 21 things to do on social media in 2021.

If you're looking for a digital marketing agency that can take care of your social media needs, We Love Digital Marketing is here to provide you with assistance. It can get overwhelming at times for anyone to manage social media pages and other business needs at the same time. Our company's name reflects our passion for digital marketing. You can visit us for services like Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click Ads, Website Designing and Development. Visit our website wldm.ca to know more about the best digital marketing agency in Toronto.

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